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I don't live in a $450,000 house (many in the county don't). I'll be lucky if my annual savings will buy me a candy bar. If Amendment 5 passes, then between 50,000-75,000 assessed value will provide additional tax exemption. Most residential will fall in the category to get the additional exemption. I won't because I live in an older manufactured home (and I do own the land). I only paid $94 last year in property tax to the county because of the original exemption and widows exemption and without a reduction in millage I will pay $109. The biggest part of my tax payment is for the recreation district assessment not covered under the millage or any exemptions that the county collects and then remits back to the park and then fire district fees. The second exemption will greatly impact revenue to the county. The savings realized for a cut in the millage on a house assessed at $450,000 is $5.50 per month and it won't even pay for a container of coffee or an annual cut of $67.00 pay for a meal for 2 at a sit-down restaurant. Leave it as it is and start now planning for the possible loss of revenue if Amendment 5 passes.

From: BOCC Proposes Modest Millage Rate Reduction

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