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Congratulations for spot-on exposing the corruption that has become so commonplace after 30 years of republican state rule, that to them it is now so normal that they see their actions as correct and ethical. How refreshing to see a reporter and newspaper that goes straight to facts.

However, the picture of the City Council and local Commissioners will be incomplete without mentioning their State Enabler and Developer Stooge Will Robinson of State District 71 who guided them from Tallahassee since 2018 at the behest of his Developer Owners. Finally, this week, he started unleashing his $hundred thousand + of developer funds to put up oversized signs all over Brendon downtown, hiring professional campaign companies against a grassroots civil engineer who knowns how to fix their mess (visit Vote4Florida.com).

Whether Republican, NPA, I or Democrat voters, do one more step before casting your vote this November and search online “Wiiliam Robinson, FollowTheMoney.org” to see who pays for and controls him, then look at “Will Robinson (opportunityfl.org)” to confirm who he really represented, and hint: it is not the people of Manatee County District 71.

That’s why the flooding with Tropical Storm Debby happened .. because Will Robinson signed the legislation to for practical purposes, stripping the cost for infrastructure from the Developers so that they could make bigger profits. You, the citizens, now own that deficiency and each and every year from now on, you will pay out of your own pocket for the resultant damage every time a tropical storm or more passes even from 100 miles from your home.

From: Jayne Kocher Sounds Off

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