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Joe, You're "spot on" about the success of the grass roots effort to jettison the clown act that took over in 2020. And your 5-page letter told the story as well as it could be told. I had previously written a similar one pager and distributed it throughout my condo community. When I got yours, I distributed it to those folks again and as many as 500 in 2 other communities where I have previously lived. Many folks recruited by George and Scott pitched in to spread the word as well. And, TBT has made a difference! The community owes much to you for taking the initiative to produce it...as well as having the courage to "expose" the developers, and their hacks. What occurred in our County is a miniature of what occurred nationally from 2016-2020. Five Secretaries of Defense...someone fired every month...a pandemic denied and bungled...impeachments...allies deserted...dictators embraced...a Republican Party in shambles just like here in our County. It's time for responsible Republicans to regain the grand old party. Thanks for leading that initiative in Manatee County!

From: Elections Prove the Value of Our Free Press and the Pulse of a Community

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