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The site recommended for homeless veterans by Bearden is a joke. Yes, it is near the port for possible job opportunities and closer to Bay Pines in St. Pete, but no mass transit, no grocery stores, any retail. Most of these homeless do not have a car. How are they going to get there? Is the county now going to be responsible as this is their property? The site on Cortez is close to retail, grocery, pharmacy, job opportunities within walking distance, and on a major mass transit route. Tunnel to Towers is a reputable organization willing to take the responsibility. The whole meeting was a major embarrassment to watch. Taking over a department that has been run successfully for 40 years is not making BOCC led government smaller. Denigrating one commissioner who is now called an agitator by mini me and because not front and center for photo-ops shows no civility.

From: How Agendas Set Policy

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