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Most of those students are age eighteen years old or older. Some are older in 40+ adult students. How can DeSantis tell a grown adult of eighteen or older what they are ALLOWED study!? They can carry a gun but cannot choose what they want to study. Only a fascist or Nazi style government can do that. So far DeSantis has;

Grade thru high school banning of books there and in our libraries. DeSantis was also guilty of colluding with developer Pat Neal and county commissioner Vanessa Baugh in Vaccinegate. He's banned books, abused immigrants, blocked a woman's right to reproductive health care, allowed land development laws to be perverted, ignored fixing home owner insurance problems in our state, etc. I could have a longer list, but you know already, he is not a good guy. He's all for marijuana, but I wonder why. I also want to know why he wipes his nose so much with the back of his hand. Why have I seen white stuff on the end of his nose? What is that about?

From: College Board Announces Florida Law Will Render AP Psychology Course Illegal

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