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Claque is a crony - and he is wrong. The county ordinance only controls how the county is to process a county employee's complaint of a 112.3187 violation. The County ordinance part only comes into play as described under FS 112.3187 (8)(b) The inappropriate or gross mismanagement conduct is controlled by the FS 112.3187 (2) and (3)(a) “Agency” means any state, regional, county, local, or municipal government entity, whether executive, judicial, or legislative; any official, officer, department, division, bureau, commission, authority, or political subdivision therein…" I would underline them if I could, but clearly 112.3187 (3)(b) defines Agency using these words COUNTY ...OFFICIAL...COMMISSION. So the illegal conduct is done by the Agency. And the Employee files the complaint of Agency misconduct. How that complaint is adjudicated is where the County Ordinance comes into play. WTF is right.

From: Washington's Whistleblower Complaint Sheds More Light on BOCC Machinations

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