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To Mr. Washington and posters here; everyone is right. This is the most corrupt county in the USA. I'm glad to see some lawyers(?) jumping on this board with the truth. Clague does only represent the commissioners. It should have been investigated by a third party. You can submit this as a criminal complaint to law enforcement depending on where the meeting took place. If it was in the City of Bradenton you file with that entity. If it happened outside the city of Bradenton you file with the Manatee Sheriff's office. However, I guarantee the state prosecutor Eduardo Brodsky will spin the complaint just as the county attorney did. This is why we need the FBI or DOJ to get their butts here. Don't call the FBI though, you'll have to leave a message on a full voicemail so you can't. They don't take walk in complaints and all these agencies want you to do their work naming statutes violated, providing absolute truth and proof.

There are criminal penalties for violating Sunshine Law. Good luck. The Sunshine complaint I filed regarding the City of Bradenton disposition and sale of Bradenton City Hall was spun into oblivion by Brodsky. They're all a bunch of cons, coordinated, co-conspirators and should be in jail. They remind me of the Godfather movie, all the big shots at the round table helping each other's agenda over lunch!

My suggestion is

1)as a group citizens file a criminal complaint. This is not a complaint to the Commission on Ethics but to law enforcement. It is criminal.

2) Arrange a large group to visit DOJ Merrick Garlands office in Washington DC with or without an appointment. I'll see if that's possible. Never know till you try. Besides all they can say is no.

This county needs investigating as well as the City of Bradenton. That especially includes the finances of both entities for fraud and irregularities. They have done harm to the poor, by being developer whores. There is plenty of fancy housing for rich folks, nothing for the poor. NOTHING, not one affordable home or apartment is available on a waiting list that spans years.We could provide for our poor better, with a hand up instead of down.Single moms will have to leave young children home now for lack of affordable daycare while the moms have to work, pay rent, utilities, food, car insurance, internet, etc. on cheap wages paid by rich people and wealthy companies. At risk kids will have nowhere to go, not even a neighborhood park. We will have nothing but polluted, unviable waterways, toxic laden cyanobacteria drinking water, dead sealife and wildlife, no decent air to breath because all the trees that make rain and oxygen are nearly gone. Ever see a development after the developer prepared the land raping every tree, bush and leaf of grass? It is a complete desert. As far as you can see to the horizon.

Please Mr. Washington, run for county commission. We need ethical persons like you. I'll sign your qualifying ballot in a half second. Thanks for what you've done so far. I hope the county has to pay you big-time, no nondisclosure deal, because they promoted you then demoted you because you bucked the system BOCC has in place and did your job with integrity. As a commissioner the powers that be would be hard on you and your family. I hope if you are elected, voters can provide some new commissioners who will have your back. Thank you for your service as you have been drafted to the Manatee government trenches to fight for the rights of Americans the same as any US soldier. Please don't disappear into the sunset. We need you.

Please contact me if you like,


Barbara Elliott

Stone Soup Manatee



BTW I just contacted DOJ in Tampa to schedule an appointment for however many folks want to go make a complaint about Manatee County. I see a caravan on the horizon. Keep in mind complaints must be violations of federal law which includes violations of civil rights, federal law, things like using federal grants and other funds in inappropriate ways such as giving a park to developers when federal money was used to build or maintain buildings on such land that belongs to taxpayers. Things like using federal money to build affordable housing that cost $3000 per month. Using federal money for poor folks housing fraudulently or not at all. Federal wildlife grants and polluted waterways and ground water improvement money from the federal government also qualify. Federally funded road projects. Think outside the box. Let me know what you come up with. There are a host of federal laws being violated here. This includes the long political arm from Manatee to Tallahassee.

From: Washington's Whistleblower Complaint Sheds More Light on BOCC Machinations

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