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This article serves as the latest reminder of the continual eroding away of any and all standards with respect to wetland protection, Air quality, land preservation

... and good governance. The only real but subtle difference... is where in Florida is it happening today? Yet, as some here and at other times have alluded to, who is truly to be blamed for what passes as government of the developer, for the rich and moneyed set, and by the influential?Aren't we all (yes that includes me of course) a little bit to blame? Some of us- I think a good many of us- have on many occasions voted for the Candidates who now occupy commission seats, School Board seats, etc etc. Maybe, even the Governor. We are allowing ourselves to be swayed by the faux- patriotic, faux- "pro-America", and pro "Freedom" cry that so many of these slippery critters have latched onto.

And we vote for them. Many of us really need to look at ourselves in the mirror and ask, "am I the one helping put these guys in office? Am I helping to destroy my home, all in the name of "Conservatism" and "Freedom"? And too, those of you who don't vote are just as guilty, as it were, as those who vote to put these slick hucksters into commission seats state-wide. Your non-vote IS a vote, for those things you probably don't want, but don't care enough to speak out against. We all have a better job to do. We need to make alot more noise. I know, I know- "Citizens United" (for more influence with their cash); Gerrymandered districts; voter suppression and voter intimidation. Those are all real. But we have the numbers! They are few and we truly are many. So lets get together any way we can and do more, speak out more. It starts with me-I am not pointing fingers, just repeating something I say to myself all the time: "quit complaining" I say to myself, "And get up and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT." Florida and all her remaining beauty is certainly worth the effort.

From: A Confederacy of Dunces

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