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Kudos to Councilwoman Lisa Gonzalez Moore and her vote to protect affordable housing, yet was the lone sensible voice. I make an effort to be aware of important issues at public meetings, yet this one slipped past me...otherwise I would have made a public comment at the meeting that this change is just plain wrong! For FIVE years to NOT require a percentage of the housing be "affordable" is inexcusable, and will certainly make a bad situation worse. What purpose is there to not include a percentage of housing to be affordable? Who it benefits is the developers...not logic or common sense. When services are needed by those individuals who maintain, repair and serve this growing downtown population, the service workers must travel to downtown, only increasing traffic and gridlock. As the population increases, MORE service and support workers are needed....WHY NOT include the housing being built to have a portion affordable housing??? Ruth Lawler

From: Another Loss for Affordable Housing Advocates

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