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Removing 15 year old, beautiful trees along Manatee Avenue....HOW STUPID! No logic is behind this. The benefits of trees are enormous: providing shade and cooling by about 7 to 15 degrees, improves air quality by absorbing carbon (appx.120 to 240 pounds a year per mature tree) and absorbing particles, then adding oxygen to the air. Trees also absorb noises and increase property values. PLUS trees are beautiful! Birds love them as well. These established trees require no irrigation, and actually hold moisture within the soil through their root system. Palm trees require much more maintenance, provide little to no benefit that the trees do, and are a hazard with potential fronds falling or a vehicle to crash into it. This is yet another illogical, arrogant and dictatorial action by our BOCC and its Chair. Ruth Lawler

From: County's Plan to Remove Median Trees Draws Citizen Concern

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