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Why would a district commissioner tell staff to take on a plantting of medians that’s not even in there purview? Very expensive palm trees that take a lot of maintenance. Again, Kevin Van, Ostenbridge is abusing his power and not giving the full story to the Commission. It’s a joke that somebody will believe that it’s going to take a total of $6000 to do this. The cost of expensive palm trees, irrigation, and maintenance forever. To the board of county commissioners, you’re being fooled again and the City of Bradenton is going to benefit as they won’t have to maintain them.anymore.

I guess everyone forgot that our environmental person quit because of Ipolicies the board is changing.

Thanks for reporting, or we would’ve never known what the chair is doing now with no regard to budget

Carol Whitmore

From: County's Plan to Remove Median Trees Draws Citizen Concern

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