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Interesting to read Jim Tierney's comments about the signs "installed by the Commission patting themselves on the back." A friend suggested painting over them with black paint. I countered by suggesting painting a very nice bougainvillea on them. Either case it "ain't going to happen," but the installation of them is indicative of the lengths some of these Commissioners will go to make themselves "look good." And of course, they need as much of that as they can muster. And then the Gestapo behavior of Satcher suggesting ELMAC shouldn't even think of questioning the Commission. You know there are consequences for such behavior!!!! These four years with this Commission is like a Shakespearian Farce..."humorous situations, extensive exaggeration. and violent physical humor to entertain the audience." We can control it with votes...or we can continue to be "entertained!" Which will it be??

From: County's Plan to Remove Median Trees Draws Citizen Concern

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