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Thank you Ms. Gray for stating the facts -that the “Republicans” currently running Manatee County have no ethics, no morals and certainly no leadership skills, with the exception of George Kruse who has recently found the light in making decisions in the best interest of the citizens. It’ s time the Good People of Manatee County start working together to expose these frauds, who are using their positions to silence the public and promote only the agenda of their handler's in order to keep their recently found positions of authority (and salaries)! Most Republicans are not fooled by their rhetoric, and are disgusted by the REC leadership, who are complicit in silencing those who want to have a voice other than the lunatic fringe now in control. So let’s ban together-and do something to take back our County. Use your voices, your social media to state the facts. These are not Conservatives. They have spent every dollar and created so much debt that tax increases are inevitable. They have abandoned any planning for the future-no thought to how growth outside the urban service boundary will be provided with water, wastewater or any other urban services. They have failed to follow the mandate of over 70% of the voters to purchase environmentally sensitive land-because of petty politics, insuring that the land will be developed (again outside the Urban Services Area). They haven’t kept up with the costs of growth, a fake impact fee “increase” to insure that developer profits remain high (100% fees at 2014 costs is not even 50% of what the impact fees should be assessed). Thanks for the expose…if they all don’t end up in jail, vote them out!

From: Beyond Embarrassing

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