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"Resign" is NOT a reason for leaving, and it was either ignored by the interviewer (likely Chief Sarah Brown and Public Safety Dir. Jodie Fiske) or fabricated by the interviewee. My guess is the former. The previous Volunteer Coordinator's application listed a series of short term clerical jobs with large gaps, her qualification was being Brown's workout partner. That VC sat on "over 500" submitted volunteer applications while the shelter was woefully understaffed and dogs were going stir crazy from being locked in their cage all day. In 2022, the Univ of FL Shelter Medicine program did an independent audit of Manatee's shelter but there is no record. Why? A public record request revealed an email where Brown told the evaluator to provide findings "over the phone, because last time, the report was used as a weapon." In other words, she feared she would be criticized. Last October 9, Fiske and Brown received the Pawsome Sitters video yet didn't formerly report the animal abuse to the State Attorney unto Nov 1, AFTER the video was posted causing public outcry. And so much more mismanagement space prevents me from detailing. Yet we are asked to believe that 11 kind volunteers are the problem.

From: County's New Volunteer Coordinator Resigned In Lieu of Termination from Charlotte County Schools After Sexual Harassment Complaint

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