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This man’s lack of integrity was apparent even before he took office when he schemed to oust Cheri Coryea. That activity included calls and texting county business on his personal cell phone and then violating the law by not producing the records. VanOStenbridge (and Stacher) settled the resulting case by each paying Michael Barfied $6000. The BoCC then voted to reimburse the two Commissioners $56K to cover their legal fees. He was the main proponent of Scott Hopes, voting to give him a raise even after allegations of misconduct. KVO was caught on video stealing property and entered yet another court directed settlement. He canceled and refuses to allow public comment by phone. He insults citizens that do show up, including calling them communists and making other smart-ass remarks from the dais. He is on record calling women the c-word. He produces misleading public notices - calling a proposal to assist veterans a homeless project. He accepts huge developer pac money and rubber stamps development that is destroying our limited environment and polluting our water. And he is still circumventing public records law by conducting business on his personal phone. He is an embarrassment.

From: Van Ostenbridge Subject of Ethics Investigation

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