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Manatee County should have to contact all 19,278 residents of District 3 by mail to notify them that KVO and his political aid purchased their private information with public funds for redistricting purposes, and because of that it has been placed into public records for anyone to use. Information which includes : name, date of birth, wealth rating, personal income, net worth, profession, home address, home ownership, home market value, race, Ethnic Country of Origin, African American Group Codes, Ethnic Group, if residents donated to: Animal Welfare, Arts/Culture, Environment/Wildlife, Health, International Aid, Political organizations, If residents were Religious, If residents supported: Pro Life/Choice, Marriage Equality, LGBT equality, Gun Control, Immigration Reform, if residents are Evangelical, have an Interest in Political Ideology, what language residents speak, what type of Religion is practiced, and various Income Classifications. Along with a litany of voter information categories.

From: Van Ostenbridge Subject of Ethics Investigation

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