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A natural system can recover, provided the conditions causing it to be out of balance change. But, persistent, repeated instances will KEEP systems out of balance. We have increased ALL the forms of negative impact on Florida’s natural world.

Clear cutting that comes with large scale development takes out all the plants and trees whose healthy roots were in the ground, holding it. The shores too, how many mangroves or grasses do you see with those sea walls? Chemicals and fertilizers discourage microbes in the soil that would properly feed the grasses, plants and trees and encourage deep root growth. Water in the ground is part of the support system, as well as an essential need. When combined with the above detailed ocean acidification…. taking out another land stabilizing system seems really dumb.

The increase in frequency and intensity of the storms looks to me like a bad combo along with everything else. Sand moves, especially when it's been freshly oversaturated by a hurricane.

From: As ocean turns more acidic, Florida officials ignore warning signs

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