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In other words while we're being gouged for example garbage and water fees, the county has money to address the situation but are sitting on it while considering once per week pickup and a 30% rise in water fees. So that means a monthly $63 water bill will go to $93 and only once per week trash pick up. Plus fees for stuff not in a can like a fridge or mattress.

This is all because of poor planning and most of all overdevelopment.

I no longer care about property owners rights to develop. I care about inverse condemnation, our property values and assessments, the effects on our environmental health. I care about enough Co2 and oxygen, green space. They say build and they will come, they are coming....I say don't build and they have to go somewhere else. We had a county smart growth plan until they harassed and slandered Joe McClash from office. Damn them to hell.

From: Letter: A Critique of Manatee County's Finances

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