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There is NOT ONE reason scientifically or environmentally to reduce the wetland buffers in Manatee County! As Manatee County is a coastal county on the Gulf of Mexico, with many rivers, tributaries and bays, we should actually INCREASE our wetlands protections and buffers. This is evidenced through the tremendous degradation of our waters, the increased algae, the large number of dead fish and the greater frequency and intensity of red tide in our local waters. This has been occurring for years, yet now huge numbers of manatees are starving due to the sea grasses they need to eat are destroyed through pollution. With the large swarths of land being developed and paved over throughout Manatee County, the increased contaminated runoff into our local waters is toxic and abundant. Wetlands protected AND nature preserve areas assist in capturing and mediating this difficult situation of toxic runoff. I personally have lived in Manatee for 60 years, and remember the pristine shoreline at the Gulf beaches, with thousands of rainbow colored coquinas, hundreds of scurrying sand crabs and crystal clear water. Those days are gone, yet do NOT make it worse with reducing the buffers at wetlands. It is all connected. Certainly you agree that our overall economy depends on tourism and a healthy environment. PROTECT our wetlands!

From: Planning Commissioners Rebuke Wetland Proposal

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