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Continuing the effort to put a right to clean and healthy waters into our state constitution will be important to assuring that we continue progress regarding this issue. More than 100,000 voters supported the first leg of this effort that was made so difficult by the deliberate change to the thresholds voters must reach to qualify. The first leg of the effort got support that matched what previously would have been on track for getting the proposal on the ballot under the former thresholds and timing — proving the desire to be able to vote for clean water. The next leg will begin from scratch under the changed process. It used to be five years to submit 400,000 valid signatures, that was changed to requiring 900,000 to be submitted in two years. Now that voters are more familiar with the proposal, making the threshold for signatures should be feasible in this next leg. Do what you can to help. Sign the petition again and get others to sign — voters are the only ones who can make sure our waters are clean and healthy by getting it on the ballot — do what you can to make sure it does.

From: SBEP Previews Challenges in Annual Preview

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