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I find it insulting to citizens that Commissioner Satcher’s ALA item had no background information, yet he has brought the ALA topic up at commissioner meetings multiple times (compare it with Commissioner Kruse’s items). He gave no dates of previous discussion, nor did he provide any information on how the removal would benefit the citizens. Commissioner Satcher did not request or include written information from staff as to what actual “power” the volunteer elected president of the ALA has over the organization. The background did not include that the main resource for our librarians appears to be the PLA (Public Library Association) which from my understanding is under the ALA organizational umbrella. Satcher did not request or provide any statistical information from staff on what services, discounts, conferences that our library receives by being a member of ALA- PLA , how many and what types of conferences our employees attend and the benefits they gain by attending, and how much money being a member saves the taxpayers from reduced cost in printing and attending conferences, many which appear to be literacy based. This would have provided the public with more information and the commissioners enough information to make a better decision. Satcher stated that “it harmed people” yet provided no proof. He also provided no proof that this removal will benefit the citizens in any way. We have professionals on staff, yet we never ask for their expertise or presentations for the public’s benefit. When they are provided, the commissioners do not listen to them. This is insulting to the public because they are no longer a part of the conversation, their comments are ignored, and commissioners regularly disregard staff’s expertise on subject matters they know nothing about while at the same time commissioners do nothing to educate themselves or the pubic on the subjects. The public commentor was awesome!

From: Manatee County Libraries to End Association with ALA

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