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Stupid is as stupid does!!! It's on both sides of this one. The leader of a National Association referring to herself as a Marxist lesbian is about as stupid as it gets! One who serves in such a role, as I did with a similar association in the 80's, should understand the ramifications of such an incendiary statement on the Association he/she serves. And understand as well, that it will only ignite the latent stupidity at the other extreme, in our case the person of our self-righteous Commissioner, the Reverend Satcher, the self-appointed "moral compass" [sic] of the County who wants a gun in every hand! When are we going to come to our senses and jettison these MAGA devils from being in the position to oversee 2000 employees and a 1-billion-dollar budget? The other day I had the occasion to encounter two County employees. I never asked their names, but I queried them about the "state of the County" from their perspective. I reckoned that KVO, Hopes, et. al. had destroyed the County. They concurred indicating morale among County employees has never been so low. Get out and VOTE...or we can continue use the word STUPID every day in reference to our Commission!! Richard Correnti

From: Manatee County Libraries to End Association with ALA

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