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The BOCC does not want to hear from the public. Still no call for Citizens that can't make it to chambers.

The gang of 6 are bought and sold by developers, Akward on the Bay was living proof

Meanwhile in Orange County sets an example all 67 counties should follow

But in the last 200 years, Florida lost more than 9 million acres of wetlands — meaning it lost more wetlands, in acres, than any other state, according to a report published in 1990 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Still, Florida remains the state with the most wetlands, according to the agency.

Locally, Orange County lost 5.6% of its wetland acreage in the last thirty years, Hull said Tuesday, citing a recent study conducted as part of the process to revise the county’s Wetland Conservation Areas Ordinance.


From: LWV Manatee County Commission Notes: 1/9/24

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