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Well once again you have a department, this time Utilities moving forward with a 30 Million dollar purchase without any input from the commissioners, taxpayers, voters and citizens in general. No workshops, town hall meetings, nothing to inform the public. With little over-site of department heads this will continue. It has been suggested that in the past, dividing the 160 acres into 4 more attractive parcels would bring better offers, the sheriff would get what was promised and a few workforce house developers could move forward with a more manageable size. Did they listen, of course not. Every time an advisory board or citizens makes these great suggestions instead of embracing good sound recommendations the BOCC gets mad because they didn’t think of it. What a shameful act of defiance and a slap in the face to the rest of us. The developers who own the gang of 6 don’t want it and without their developer handlers advising them, they can’t think for themselves on this issue.

From: County Seeking Purchaser for Lena Road "Musgrave" Property

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