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This is a very sad and unfortunate situation for the residents of Manatee County. When emergency response times for the new developments in east county have many dire situations due to the distance and traffic that emergency responders must deal with, will our voters finally become aware how valuable that site was for it's intended use as voted by the Commissioners in 2000? It will be interesting to see who the new buyer will be for this parcel, and how it will be utilized. Many of us have strong suspicions about this. As much as I'm grateful for Kruse now having some clarity in true representation of the residents, let us not forget he also voted to oust Cheri Coryea, was in violation of Sunshine laws, voted to have Scott Hopes become the County Administrator, and even praised Hopes on the day Hopes "resigned". Ruth Lawler

From: County Seeking Purchaser for Lena Road "Musgrave" Property

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