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I have no doubt that this is a deal that has already been made with a developer. The purchase of this land for the benefit of the citizens and taxpayers in Manatee County in early 2020 was far sighted-something that this totally bought and purchased BOCC is incapable of accomplishing-planning for the future. This was an extremely well researched and negotiated purchase, with extensive back up information and planning to meet the needs of the growing population. However-it wasn’t what the developers wanted-they wanted to make the deal, like they are on the landfill expansion, road expansions needed for THEIR developments such as 51st (don’t need impact fees yet they are earning HUGE amounts of $ in Impact Fee Credits) this will be just another giveaway to the developers. When will the people of Manatee County realize they are being sold out by a Commission that has broken every law applicable to elected officials. They live in homes owned by developers, drive vehicles bought with tax payer $, and now will run campaigns totally financed by developers, who want to make sure this tax payer piggy bank continues. Meanwhile there is NO Sheriff fleet facility, no plans for an expanded landfill-and they are purchasing incredibly expensive land in town to house the relocated Public Works. WAKE UP VOTERS-this BOCC has destroyed the county’s financials, the Environment (Long Bar Point will soon be a walled off marina), and the taxpayers will be on the hook for the growth past the FDAB.

From: County Seeking Purchaser for Lena Road "Musgrave" Property

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