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Voters should remember that VanOstenbridge's entire term of office has been one long violation of public record Sunshine laws. He uses his personal cell phone to conduct County business and then claims no records exist when a public record request is submitted. Back in 2020, the County Commission voted 4-3 to make county taxpayers pay his and Satcher's $60K personal legal fees racked up by their unlawful fight to avoid turning over public records on their personal phones. County taxpayers will soon be on the hook again for Manatee County's failure to capture KVO's, Scott Hopes and other administrators county business text messages, despite being fully aware that the law requires it. This failure has allowed VanOstenbridge to continue texting in secret to developer Carlos Beruff, campaign manager Anthony Pedicini, and any other dark money contributors that have, so far, donated over $210K for his reelection so he can continue screwing Manatee County by voting for over-development and against water/environmental protection. Register Now and Vote! There are good candidates running against him.

From: County Seeking Purchaser for Lena Road "Musgrave" Property

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