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Bradenton and Sarasota are suffering from lack of rain. Trees, forests and plants help create rain. We have destroyed trees for miles for development until the land looks like a dessert. Then we replace them with crap myrtles and other non indigenous trees/plants instead of mighty oaks and pines.

Now special interests are after wetland buffers as well. When is enough, enough? Now.

Please contact the BOCC with your concerns futile or not. At least that is a list of witnesses to county actions. When the county violates open meetings law which means reasonable notice, access, venue, comments etc., a criminal violation occurs. You may file a criminal complaint with local law enforcement. So if you can't stop the BOCC corruption one way, do it another. Study open meetings law, gather your evidence quickly as the statute of limitations on this is short as a couple months. An ethics complaint is another venue but only for civil not criminal violations. Florida Bar is another option. Raise money on PayPal/Facebook and hire an attorney to represent all concerned since the BOCC obviously doesn't listen to you or care what you think.

Hit them in the wallet, reputation any other legal method you can come up with. They do understand wallet, jail, reputation. That will help keep them from reelection and maybe they will end up facing criminal penalties.

We have a combo of ethics, criminal, and bar complaints in this article as well as evidence (texts/emails) of top county officials speaking on matters coming before the BOCC, outside of Sunshine Law.

You ARE the boss. Show them there is more than one way to skin a rat. Start writing those complaints. I've written many. Have you? Stop the being sh** on by public officials. Questions?

Barbara Elliott

Stone Soup Manatee Inc



From: County's Effort to Gut Its Own Wetland Protections Gets Murkier

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