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Advisory Boards do not make decisions, as stated and obviously feared. If they don’t like the applicants, tough. These are your constituents and what you have to work with. Unlike the BOCC, we can do our jobs in 2024, and deliver the same message.

That we find their application for re-election unsuitable, or not “in line with” our belief system either.

That’s the American way.

Silencing the public, truncating our rights to take part in our government, answering only to an elite few, using our tax dollars to promote propaganda, and intentionally withholding the information needed by the public to be educated and informed is exactly how Communism, Nazi-ism, and every other non Americanism takes hold, not by nuclear bombs or the armies of our enemies, but by small, insidious and surreptitious means within the power of a few.

There’s a small island 90 miles away from Florida called Cuba, where this worked quite well. Perhaps this is a more suitable environment for those of this mindset.

But American, you are not.

From: Commissioners Decline to Appoint Applicants to Library Advisory Board

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