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While the County is spending an ungodly amount of $ on unplanned, expensive projects, paying off high paid ex-employees to keep them quiet, building 4 parking garages (one option shown to be 24 stories in downtown Bradenton-another that basically paves over all of Manatee Beach except for a small area of sand), and paying an outrageous amount to publicize the costly projects that this crew is promoting to get re-elected, the fact is that all of this money HAS to be budgeted-regardless of what the projects will eventually cost. This is NOT private business accounting. Talking about reserves makes it sound like the County has reserves-when in fact, they have spent them down as fast as they can. All this cash is SPENT for the most part on future projects. This type of opinion is really misleading. The reality is this “conservative” group is going far into debt-and banking on growth to pay for the costs of that growth. However, they haven’t increased impact fees, have approved huge developments WITH NO PLANS FOR URBAN SERVICES, and are facing cutbacks in tax growth . In other words-this gang is bankrupting the county.

From: Letter: A Critique of Manatee County's Finances

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