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Why are we not putting these contracts out for a competitive bid? Commissioners/staff are circumventing the procurement process just like they did for the methane landfill project. Will the taxpayers now be footing the bill for 2 lawsuits for fair and ethical bidding practices? Also, staff/commissioners used vendor information that was 5 years old and based on 9 school zones in Georgia not a good comparison. A Florida citizen representing a Florida company that also camera tickets drivers, stated that they are not using our county’s fair and competitive bidding process. If this was solely for child safety our commissioners would have addressed this issue 7 months ago when the law changed, so this is clearly not an emergency. Commissioners acted under the guise of “student safety” but it looks a lot like a political favor at the expense of Manatee County taxpayers.

From: Manatee County to Install School Zone Speed Cameras

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