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Thank you Mitch. The BoCC propaganda machine is alive and well. I do resent that KVO and his minions are using tax payer paid for County employees and media resources to spew their propaganda. It makes it appear that they are credible and ethical, whereas just the OPPOSITE is the case. Let them use their developer $$, of which hundreds of thousands are already in their campaign coffers, NOT our tax supported resources. Just another unethical ploy. Another point is that when I attend the BoCC meetings in person, we can first hand observe their mostly utter disrespect of many citizens' comments. You do not see that on the video. Most Commissioners are on their phones or computers, talking among themselves, snickering and laughing, eating snacks, or in Satcher's case, just staring out into nothingness. I encourage citizens to come see for yourself, look them in the eye. Ruth Lawler

From: It's Getting Deeper and More Malodorous

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