BRADENTON - The public can have its say on Monday, as a group working on the Sheriff's Office accreditation will take public input.
The session will take place at 7 p.m. in the Manatee County Sheriff's Operation Center Classroom at 600 301 Blvd. W., Suite 202, in Bradenton.
If a person cannot speak at the session but still wants to provide comments to the team, he or she may call (941) 744-3740 on Monday from 1 to 3 p.m. Telephone comments and public comments are limited to 10 minutes and have to address the agency's ability to comply with the standards of the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies.
The team of assessors will arrive on Saturday, Aug. 22, and examine all aspects of the Sheriff's Office's policy and procedures, management, operations and support services. The MCSO has to comply with 407 standards to gain accredited status.
The assessment team is composed of public safety professionals from similar but out-of-state agencies. The assessors will review written materials, interview individuals and visit offices and other locations where compliance can be witnessed. The assessors are Chief Jeffrey Shrader, team leader, and Lt. Gary Berra, team member.
Once the Assessors complete their review of the agency, they report back to the full commission, which will then decide if the agency is to be granted accredited status, program manager Maya Mitchell said.
Accreditation is for three years, during which the agency must submit annual reports attesting continued compliance with those standards under which it was initially accredited.
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