CORAL SHORES DREDGING - Heard request for end of postcard polling and honor agreement to dredge canal as desired and agreed upon. Voted 5-2 to not send out postcards for another poll of residents.
BUS TRANSFER STATION - Directed staff to report on alternate locations for the new bus transfer station after property owner Harry Bakker said during the public comment portion that it would hurt his plans for property near the Bank of America building.
RED LIGHT RUNNING - Heard from Melissa Wandall, widow of Mark Wandall, who was killed by a red light runner. She said the bill that State Rep. Ron Reagan had proposed passed the State House and Senate, but in different versions and they could not be reconciled. She asked that people contact senators to get the bill passed.
SARKOZY BOAT DOCK - County attorney said county had no legal liability to pay Mr. Sarkozy's legal fees for county's actions in permitting for his dock.
TAMPA BAY AREA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY - Saw presentation on Master Plan and heard about iTownHall meeting to be held on May 6.
I-75 AND ANNA MARIA ISLAND BRIDGE PRESENTATIONS - Saw presentation from Florida Department of Transportation on plans for new I-75 interchanges in Manatee County and replacement of Anna Maria Island Bridge.
FORECLOSURE PREVENTION - Heard from Director of Neighborhood Services about assistance program for people facing foreclosure, people who are already in foreclosure, and those who are homeless. Web site within was explained.
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