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Auditing Firm Seeks Non-Profits for Give Back Award


BRADENTON -- For some, just hearing the word “audit” is enough to send shivers down the back. Visions of digging through old paperwork can be frustrating and overwhelming with the thought of owing more money, simply unfathomable. So what is it about a local auditing firm that has businesses from all over the country clamoring for more audits?

This time of the year, when everyone is thinking taxes and owing money, Tami Wankoff and her Contingency Telecom Auditing (CTA) team are thinking about how to give back to the community and help business owners reclaim lost money in the form of deposit recovery and telecommunications evaluations. An audit that pays you back? Yes indeed!

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Tami Wankoff

Years ago, while working as a systems designer for AT&T, Wankoff was often on the receiving end of client phone calls regarding telecommunication invoices. “I guess you could say that’s where my passion for finding savings and reducing costs began," said Wankoff. "I really enjoyed advising clients on which services to keep and which ones to cancel in order to get the most bang for their buck.”

Later, while working for Medical Logistics, Wankoff would often evaluate new billing cycles and errors. She estimates finding an average of $15,000 in errors each month due to the rates not matching the contracts or improperly loaded billing timers.

“Sometimes solving a money mystery feels like working a giant puzzle with a million little pieces," she explains. "When the savings picture starts coming into focus, I get really excited! I am so pleased I was able to convert my early passion for problem solving and saving money into a business that truly helps people.”

Each year, Contingency Telecom Auditing LLC, the brainchild of Tami Wankoff, chooses at least one charitable organization to receive zero-fee deposit recovery assistance in their CTA Gives Back program. While most clients pay service fees contingent on monies recovered, the CTA Gives Back recipient has no fee obligation regardless of the amount recovered.

In 2012, Chabad-Lubavitch enjoyed a recovery effort worth over $10,000. “Multiple Chabad-Lubavitch locations located in FL, DE, NJ, CA, CT, VT and IL were evaluated and assessed for deposit recovery potential," said Rabbi Bukiet, Rebbetzin Chanie Bukiet, Chabad of Bradenton. "We would have never known refunds were due had it not been for the outstanding efforts of Contingency Telecom Auditing."

CTA (Contingency Telecom Auditing) has been an active participant in Manatee County Chamber Educational Programs, participating in the Big Bank Theory (high school program), Ship our Shirts (middle school program). CTA counts among its clients the Manatee County School System, recently providing all the steps and paperwork for their filings that were long since forgotten.

CTA is currently looking for non-profit organizations for the 2013 Give Back program. Any business or non-profit organization may contact CTA for a free, no obligation assessment of refund potential. Tami Wankoff may be reached directly by e-mail at twankoff@contelaudit.com.