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Barnebey and Moore Win City Council Races

BRADENTON – Incumbent Ward 2 Bradenton City Councilwoman Maryanne Barnebey easily defeated first-time candidate David Levin on Tuesday, while local attorney Lisa Gonzalez Moore pulled off an upset in the three-way Ward 4 race.

Barnebey, who is in her second stint on the council, won a 24-point landslide over her much less experienced and underfinanced opponent.

In the Ward 4 race, embattled incumbent Bill Sanders was weighed down by an onslaught of feuds and controversies that, in the end, he couldn’t overcome.

However, Moore, who had the least amount of money of the three candidates and was running a very grassroots campaign, managed to pull out an impressive victory, earning 39 percent of the vote.

Developer-backed challenger Kurt Landefeld, who was seen as the biggest threat to Sanders, received 35 percent, while the incumbent garnered just 25 percent of the vote.


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