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Big Picture Manatee: Get Out & Vote! Your State & Local Elections Need Your Voice!


Your voice matters more than ever, especially in state and local elections. In this video, we dive into why participating in these elections is crucial for shaping your community and influencing decisions that directly impact your daily life.

Why Vote in State and Local Elections?

Community Impact: Local officials make decisions about schools, public safety, and infrastructure.
Policy Influence: Your vote helps determine policies on healthcare, education, and housing.
Civic Responsibility: Voting is a fundamental way to engage in your community and uphold democratic values.

How to Get Involved

Register to Vote: Ensure you're registered and understand the deadlines in your area - www.votemanatee.com
Know Your Candidates: Research the candidates and their platforms to make an informed decision. www.votemanatee.com
Stay Informed: Follow local news and attend town halls or candidate forums.
Spread the Word: Encourage friends and family to vote and share this video to raise awareness.

Useful Links and Resources

Voter Registration:
https://www.votemanatee.com/Voter-Inf... Find Your Polling Place: https://www.votemanatee.com/Election-... Candidate Information: https://www.votemanatee.com/Candidate... Together, we can make a difference. Your vote is your voice, and every vote counts. Don't let this opportunity pass by – get out and vote!