BRADENTON -- At Thursday's Manatee County Commission Land Use Meeting, a split board voted 4-3 to adopt an amendment that rolls back the Urban Service Area borders from the shoreline, so as not to include properties in Coastal Evacuation Areas.
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)
INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)
1. Reverend Robert Dvorak, Trailer Estates Evangelical Covenant Church
Changes to Agenda
11. Update Memo with Changes to November 7, 2013 Agenda
Attachment: 131107.pdf
REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)
CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)
Financial Management
Attachment: 1 Summary IFCRs Requested by SMR.pdf
Attachment: 2 IFCA Applications from SMR.pdf
Attachment: 3 Maps.pdf
Attachment: 4 ROW Conveyances & Appr Revws.pdf
Attachment: 5 Construction Costs & Reviews.pdf
Attachment: 6 Asgnmt SMR to SMR North 70 LLC.pdf
Attachment: 7 Asgnmt LWRSD to SMR North 70 LLC.pdf
Attachment: 8 Cr Auth Docs for Execution by BCC.pdf
Attachment: 9 Final Auths of Cr for Execution by BCC.pdf -- Approved, 6 -- 0, Baugh absent
D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)
Building and Development Services
3. LDA-13-03 - Northwest Sector - Lakewood Centre Local Development Agreement
Attachment: SMR LWC NWS LDA Clean 10 25 13 with exhibits.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - SMR Northwest Sector and Lakewood Centre DRI's LDA.pdf
Attachment: Project Location Maps.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning, Aerial - PDMU-04-51(G)(R) - Resolution 13-105 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Staff Report - PDMU-04-51(G)(R) - Resolution 13-105 - Curiosity Creek Gateway Master Plan - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Resolution 13-105 - Curiosity Creek Gateway Master Plan - PDMU-04-51(G)(R) - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - Curiosity Creek Gateway Master Plan - PDMU-04-51(G)(R) - Resolution 13-105 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Previous Approval hearing Packet - Curiosity Creek Gateway Master Plan - PDMU-04-51(G)(R) - Resolution 13-105 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous
Attachment: Staff Report - The Aurora Foundation Peace Presbyterian Church - DTS20130102 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - The Aurora Foundation Peace Presbyterian Church - PDR-13-29(G) - DTS20130102 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - The Aurora Foundation Peace Presbyterian Church - PDR-13-29(G) - DTS20130231 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - The Aurora Foundation Peace Presbyterian Church - PDR-13-29(G) - DTS20130231 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous
6. PDR-13-25(P) - Fiddler's Creek Subdivision - DTS20130205 - Quasi-Judicial - Stephane Moreland
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Fiddler's Creek - PDR-13-25(P) - DTS20130205 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Staff Report - Fiddler's Creek - PDR-13-25(P) - DTS20130205 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Request for Specific Approval - Fiddler's Creek - PDR-13-25(P) - DTS20130205 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Fiddler's Creek - PDR-13-25(P) - DTS20130205 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Fiddler's Creek - PDR-13-25(P) - DTS20130205 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - Fiddlers Creek - PDR-13-25(P) - DTS20130205 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Fiddler's Creek - PDR-13-25(P) - DTS20130205 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: 131107.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous
E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)
Building and Development Services
7. PA-13-05 / Ord. 13-13 - Urban Service Area Plan Amendment - Legislative - John Osborne
Attachment: Staff Report - Urban Service Area Plan Amendment PA-13-05 - Ord. 13-13 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Urban Service Area Plan Amendment PA-13-05 Ord. 13-13 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Urban Service Area Plan Amendment - PA-13-05 - Ord. 13-13 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: DEO and reviewing agency comments - Urban Service Area Plan Amendment - PA-13-05 - Ord. 13-13 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf -- Many residents showed up to speak on behalf of protecting the county's shoreline. All but one or two of the residents who spoke, agreed with the recommendation by staff to exclude the Coastal Evacuation Area from the USA map -- Approved 4-3, Baugh, Benac and Bustle dissenting. (full story to follow)
Attachment: Staff Report - PDC-13-33(Z)(P) - Parrish Dollar General - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Specific Approval Request - PDC-13-33(Z)(P) - Dollar General Parrish - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Traffic Impact Statement - PDC-13-33(Z)(P) - Dollar General Parrish - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - PDC-13-33(Z)(P) - Dollar General Parrish - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Dollar General Parrish- PDC-13-33(Z)(P) - DTS201300231 - B00000219 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Exhibit B to Ordinance - Building Elevations - PDC-13-33(Z)(P) - Dollar General Parrish - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Public Comment Letters - PDC-13-33(Z)(P) - DTS20130231 - B00000219 - Dollar General Parrish - 11-7-13.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - PDC-13-33(Z)(P) - Dollar General Parrish - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Dollar General Parrish - PDC-13-33(Z)P) - 11-7-13 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PDR-07-06(Z)(P)(R2) - DTS20130039 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Staff Report - Eagle Trace Subdivision - PDR-07-06(Z)(P)(R2) - DTS20130039 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Specific Approval Request - Eagle Trace Subdivision - PDR-07-06(Z)(P)(R2) - DTS20130039 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Eagle Trace Subdivision - PDR-07-06(Z)(P)(R2) - DTS20130039 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Previously approved site plan - Eagle Trace Subdivision - PDR-07-06(Z)(P)(R2) - DTS20130039.pdf
Attachment: Traffic Analysis - Eagle Trace Subdivision - PDR-07-06(Z)(P)(R2) - DTS20130039 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - Eagle Trace Subdivision - PDR-07-06(Z)(P)(R2) - DTS20130039 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Eagle Trace Subdivision - PDR-07-06(Z)(P)(R2) - DTS20130039 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - Eagle Trace - PDR-07-06(Z)(P)(R2) - DTS20130039.pdf
Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Eagle Trace Subdivision - PDR-07-06(Z)(P)(R2) - DTS20130039 - 11-7-13 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous
F. REGULAR -- None
G. REPORTS -- None