BRADENTON -- At Thursday's Land Use meeting, commissioners approved with stipulations the 499-lot McMullen RV Park at Bayshore Rd. and 61st Street East. In other business, commissioners faced more than 100 residents presenting opposition to the proposed Del Tierra subdivision off of Rye Rd. and west of the Country Meadows development in northeast county. But what at first looked to be a hands-down denial ended up a unanimous decision to approve the project.
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)
INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)
1. Brother Larry Williams, Church of Christ
Changes to Agenda
Attachment: 140109.pdf
REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)
CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)
Natural Resources
7. Gulf Consortium Visioning Survey
Attachment: Reqest for Vision Survey by 01-10-2014.pdf
Attachment: Manatee County's Summary of RESTORE Act Ecosystem Restoration Projects.pdf
Attachment: Application from Port Manatee.pdf
Attachment: Proposal from SunCoast Heritage Seafood Company.pdf
Attachment: Mullet Processing Article 08-14-2013.pdf
Attachment: Gulf Consortim letter.pdf
Neighborhood Services
2. Brownfields Assessment and Revolving Loan Grants
Attachment: DRAFT_FY14 Manatee transmittal letter coalition assessment.pdf
Attachment: DRAFT_FY14 Manatee transmittal letter RLF.pdf
Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous
CITIZEN COMMENTS -- Joe Kane spoke to the commission, while facing the citizens and telling them how the commission didn't care what they think, that they do what the lawyers tell them to do. He accused the commission of not doing the necessary due diligence to accurately make their decisions. Kane called their actions "criminal."
D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)
Building and Development Services
3. PDR-13-34(Z)(P) - Fountain Lake Apartments, LLC/Fountain Lake - DTS20130327 - Quasi-Judicial - Rossina Leider - To be continued to February 6, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. -- Approved, Unanimous
4. LDCT-13-03/Ordinance 14-01 fka Ord. 13-31 - Land Development Code Amendment - Legislative - Shelley Hamilton * Clague
Attachment: Staff Report - LDC Amendment Recreational vehicles - Ord. 14-01 - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance 14-01 - LDC Amendment for Recreational Vehicles - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Chapter 513.014 Florida Statutes - Ord. 14-01 fka 13-31 - Park Trailers - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - LDC Amendment for Recreational Vehicles - Ord. 14-01 - 1-9-14 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous
E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)
Building and Development Services
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - McMullen Creek RV Park - PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - 01-09-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Staff Report - McMullen Creek RV Park PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - DTS20120453 - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Specific Approval Request Letter - McMullen Creek RV Park - PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Special Approval Request Letter - McMullen Creek RV Park - PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Vesting Letter - McMullen Creek RV Park - PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Administrative Determination - McMullen Creek RV Park - PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Historic Home Site Info from Cathy Slusser - McMullen Creek RV Park - PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Traffic Impact Analysis - McMullen Creek RV Park - PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - McMullen Creek RV Park - PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - McMullen Creek RV Park PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - DTS20120453 - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Public Comment Letter - McMullen Creek RV Park - PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - McMullen Creek RV Park - PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - McMullen Creek RV Park - PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - DTS20120453 - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Slideshow - Public Works - McMullen Creek RV Park - PDRV-12-16(Z)(P) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Supplemental Information - FEMA Floodplain - McMullen Creek RV Park - PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - McMullen Creek RV Park - PDRV-12-16(Z)(G) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Additional Public Comment Letter on update memo 1-9-13.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Del Tierra - PDR-13-24(Z)(P) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - Del Tierra - PDR-13-24(Z)(P) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Request for Specific Approval - Del Tierra - PDR-13-24(Z)(P) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Public Safety and Fire Department's Comments - Del Tierra - PDR-13-24(Z)(P) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Traffic Impact Analysis - Del Tierra - PDR-13-24(Z)(P) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: May 2013 Environmental Report - Del Tierra - PDR-13-24(Z)(P) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: School Report - Del Tierra - PDR-13-24(Z)(P) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Del Tierra - PDR-13-34(Z)(P) - DTS20130188 - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Del Tierra - PDR-13-24(Z)(P) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Public Comment Letters - Del Tierra - PDR-13-24(Z)(P) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Applicant response to public comment letter - Del Tierra - PDR-13-24(Z)(P) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - Del Tierra - PDR-13-24(Z)(P) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Del Tierra - PDR-13-24(Z)(P) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Staff Report - Del Tierra Subdivision - PDR-13-34(Z)(P) DTS20130188 - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Fire Department Letter from George Ellington - Del Tierra - PDR-13-24(Z)(P) - 1-9-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Additional Public Comment Letters added with Update Memo 1-9-14.pdf -- After approving an amendment (6 to 1, Benac dissenting) to approve the application with the caveat that the developer builds, owns and maintains the roads and a second, closed gate for an emergency exit the application was Approved, Unanimous (full story to follow)
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