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BOCC Land Use Meeting Agenda Results: 4/3/2014


BRADENTON -- At Thursday's Land Use meeting, commissioners approved both Creekwood items: the Stewart Grove Subdivision and a rezone on the Riker Subdivision. In other business, the board enacted Emergency Authority for the Lake Manatee Dam rehabilitation contract in order to complete Phase 1 of the project before the summer rains.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Reverend Max Smith, First Christian Church



Items Scheduled for Time Certain

Changes to Agenda


REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)


Building and Development Services

2. FINAL PLAT - Enclave at Country Meadows

Attachment: Application & Legal Docs.pdf

Attachment: Bonds & Agreements.pdf

Attachment: Declaration of C,C,E & R.pdf

Attachment: Exhibits B-I of the Declaration.pdf

Public Safety

3. Street Waiver Request for Riker Parcel

Attachment: Riker Street Waiver Docs.pdf

4. Street Waiver Request for Stewart Grove

Attachment: Stewart Grove Street Waiver Docs.pdf

CONSENT AGENDA -- Approved, Unanimous




D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Building and Development Services

5. PDW-01-01(P)(R) - PS Bay, LLC/Parrot Cove Marina - DTS20130126 - Quasi-Judicial - Shelley Hamilton - To be continued to June 5, 2014. -- Approved, Unanimous

6. Ordinance 14-04 - Creekwood DRI13 - Quasi-Judicial - Rossina Leider * Clague

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - ORD-14-04 - DRI-13 - DTS20130501 - CreekwoodDRI - PAR 8-15 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Creekwood - ORD-14-04 - DRI-13 - DTS20130501 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: ORDINANCE - ORD 14-04 - DRI-13 - DTS20130501 - CREEKWOOD - 20140403 BC .pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - ORD-14-04 - DRI-13 - DTS20130501 - CreekwoodDRI - PAR 8-15 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Statement - ORD-14-04 - DRI-13 - DTS 20130501 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Creekwood DRI - Ord. 14-04 - 4-3-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Ord. 14-04 - Creekwood DRI - 20140403 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

7. Z-84-76(R11) - Creekwood Investors, Ltd./Creekwood East Rezone of Lots 8-15 - DTS20130502 - Quasi-Judicial - Rossina Leider * Clague

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Z-84-76(G)(R11) - DTS 20130502 - Creekwood - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Creekwood - Z-84-76(G)(R11) - DTS 20130502 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Ord - Creekwood - Z-84-76(G)(R11) - DTS 20130502 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Z-84-76(G)(R11) - DTS 20130502 - Creekwood - 20140413 BC.pdf

Attachment: Sign Plan - Creekwood - Z-84-76(G)(R11) - DTS 20130502 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Statement - Creekwood - Z-84-76(G)(R11) - DTS 20130502 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Creekwood GDP - Z-84-76(R11) - 4-3-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Creekwood Z-84-76(G)(R11) - 20140403 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

8. PDR-13-43(Z)(P) - Philip S. and Rosemary L. Stewart Rezone/Stewart Grove Subdivision - B258 - DTS20130485 - Quasi-Judicial - Stephanie Moreland * Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Stewart Grove - PDR-13-43(Z)(P) - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - PDR-13-43(Z)(P) - Stewart Grove Subdivision - DTS20130485 - 20140403 BC .pdf

Attachment: Specific Approval Request - Stewart Grove - PDR-13-43(Z)(P) - B258 - DTS20130485 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - Stewart Grove - PDR-13-43(Z)(P) - B258 - DTS20130485 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Analysis - Stewart Grove - PDR-13-43(Z)(P) - B258 - DTS20130485 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Stewart Grove - PDR-13-43(Z)(P) - 4-3-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance PDR-13-43(Z)(P) - Stewart Grove Subdivision - DTS20130485 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - PDR-13-43(Z)(P) - Stewart Grove Subdivision - dts20130485 - B00000258 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Stewart Grove - PDR-13-43(Z)(P) - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Public Comments - Stewart Grove Subdivision - PDR-13-43(Z)(P) - B258 - 4-3-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: REVISED changes from UPdate memoOrdinance PDR-13-43(Z)(P) - Stewart Grove Subdivision - DTS20130485 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Additional Public Comment Letter for Update Memo - Stewart Grove Subdivision - PDR-13-43(Z)(P) - 4-3-14 BC.pdf


Attachment: Revised Site Plan Sheet on Update Memo - Stewart Grove Sub. - PDR-13-43(Z)(P) - 4-3-14 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

9. PDC-05-79/PSP-13-76 - Xpress Storage at Portal Crossing - DTS20130496 - Quasi-Judicial - Shelley Hamilton * Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Xpress Storage - PDC-05-79 - PSP-13-76 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - XPress Storage at Portal Crossing - PDC-05-79 - PSP-13-76 - DTS20130496 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Request for Specific Approval - PDC-05-79 - PSP-13-76 - Xpress Storage at Portal Crossing - DTS20130496 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Elevation - PDC-05-79 - PSP-13-76 - Xpress Storage at Portal Crossing - DTS20130496 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Statement - PDC-05-79 - PSP-13-76 - Xpress Storage at Portal Crossing - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Parking Analysis - PDC-05-79 - PSP-13-76 - Xpress Storage at Portal Crossing - DTS20130496 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Xpress Storage - PDC-05-79 - PSP-13-76 - 4-3-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance PDC-05-79 PSP-13-76 - Xpress Storage at Portal Crossing - DTS20130496 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - PDC-05-79 - PSP-13-76 - Xpress Storage at Portal Crossing - DTS20130496 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow Planner - Xpress Storage at Portal Crossing - PDC-05-79-PSP-13-76 - 20140403 BC.pdf  -- Approved, Unanimous

10. PDR-13-39(Z)(P) - Loraine B. Riker Rezone/Riker Subdivision - B250 - DTS20130440 - Quasi-Judicial - Stephanie Moreland * Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Riker - PDR1339(Z)(P) - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Riker Subdivision - PDR-13-39(Z)(P) - B250 - DTS20130440 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Special Approval Request - Riker - PDR-13-39(Z)(P) - B250 - dts20130440 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Specific Approval Request - Riker - PDR-13-39(Z)(P) - B250 - dts20130440 - 20140403 BC.pd

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - Riker - PDR-13-39(Z)(P) - B250 - dts20130440 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Analysis - Riker - PDR1339(Z)(P) - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Riker - PDR-13-37(Z)(P) - 4-3-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance Riker Subdivision - PDR-13-39(Z)(P) - B250 - DTS20130440 - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Riker - PDR1339(Z)(P) - 20140403 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Riker - PDR-13-39(Z)(P) - B250 - DTS20130440 - 20140403 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

11. Changes to Agenda

Attachment: 140403 BC Update.pdf 

 11-A.  Added item -- Motion to exercise emergency authority on Lake Manatee Dam rehabilitation project -- Approved, 6 -- 0, Whitmore absent

12. 1:30 PM Time Certain - Item 13 - Contract 14-1467MW, Lake Manatee Dam Rehabilitation, Phase 1A and 1B * Eschenfelder

Attachment: Hayward baker 100% plans - Lake manatee dam.pdf

Attachment: HB R057700_emergency prioirity phase 1 dam repair_memo to MWendel_033114.pdf

Attachment: HB Comparison with HHD Costs Revised 20140331.pdf

Attachment: HBI Recommendation Letter AMEC v1.pdf

Attachment: Hayward Baker Dam v4 apr 2 executed.pdf

Attachment: Budget Amendment Resolution B-14-049.pdf   Manatee County will repair and rebuild much of the dam at Lake Manatee. Workers discovered serious trouble when attempting to fix repairs earlier this year  -- Approved, 6-0, Whitmore absent -- (More on story to follow)

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)



13. Contract 14-1467MW, Lake Manatee Dam Rehabilitation, Phase 1A and 1B * Eschenfelder

Attachment: Hayward baker 100% plans - Lake manatee dam.pdf

Attachment: HB R057700_emergency prioirity phase 1 dam repair_memo to MWendel_033114.pdf

Attachment: HB Comparison with HHD Costs Revised 20140331.pdf

Attachment: HBI Recommendation Letter AMEC v1.pdf

Attachment: Hayward Baker Dam v4 apr 2 executed.pdf

Attachment: Budget Amendment Resolution B-14-049.pdf -- Approved, 6 -- 0, Whitmore absent




Commissioner Whitmore asked the chairman to entertain a resolution confirming a continual commitment to support the "No Kill" program. Bustle said no need to, that they are all committed.

Commissioner Chappie -- Three months, three bodies from accidents on Cortez Road. Chappie added that they were all motorcyclists and that he wants the county to look into what could make the road safer. "I'm tired of seeing dead bodies."

Commissioner Baugh -- "Carol and I are getting the same emails." (Baugh was referring to the threats from the "No Kill" scandal.)

Commissioner Benac wanted to set the record straight on transportation dollars not coming from impact fees, and that it is usually state and federal dollars that build most roads. 

Commissioner DiSabatino -- "I think what it is with the comments, is that someone goes over the two minutes, and then others want extra time too." 

Bustle -- Saturday in Duette there will be a concert from 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.