BRADENTON -- At Thursday's Manatee County Land Use Meeting, commissioners approved over 2,200 residential dwellings in three projects, as well as a shopping plaza off Erie Road and U.S 301. Members also approved a future traffic map, but dominating the morning session was citizens giving public comment.
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)
INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)
1. Pastor Joey Mimbs, Bethel Baptist Church
REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)
CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)
Lee Redfern said that additional stipulations, along with revised motions and ordinances, ruin the quality of life for the rest of us.
Cortez citizen Linda Moto said there aren't any traffic studies for the proposed housing development on the former Manatee Fruit land. She said that there is a track counter tube across her street and noted that this is the summer when the traffic is quite low compared to the in-season months.
Terri Wonder said, "The additional traffic does not affect the islands only, the people in Trailer Estates and Bayshore Gardens are affected too. I adjure you to not approve these request."
Cortez citizen Joe Kane said that because of the insufficient impact fees, the citizens will be paying for the impact of developers like Carlos Beruff and Pat Neal. Kane said that if something isn't done, citizens could pay as much as $173 million from their pocket when it should come from the pocket of the developers.
Barbara Hines said that Carlos Beruff had everything he needed to continue with the approved plan on Long Bar Pointe, and now he is trying to destroy the fish breeding beds of the Cortez fishing industry.
Susanne Young said that there should not be any more coastal development; that since the '70s, rising sea level story has proven to be true. She said the commission needs to pay attention.
Ed Goff said that we don't have impact fees for our schools. He added that our county is in fiscal trouble and should not be turning away potential funding.
Building and Development Services
2. PA-13-09/Ordinance 14-10 fka 13-42 - Peerage Land Company, LLC - Legislative - Kathleen Thompson * Schenk
Attachment: Staff Report - PA-13-09 - ORD-14-10 - Peerage Land Company - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PA-13-09 - ORD-14-10 - Peerage Land Company - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newpaper Advertising - Bradenton - Peerage - PA-13-09 - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertisement - Sarasota Herald - PA-13-09 - Ord. 14-10 - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance 14-10 - Peerage Land Company - PA-13-09 - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf -- Three of the adjacent land owners spoke to the commission with concerns of future flooding because the acreage has been cleared and the natural run-off is diverted to a large pipe, and some of the neighbor had cement debris pushed on to their property, Commissioners said they would have staff inspect before the item comes back for final approval -- Approved, Unanimous
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PDMU-14-15(P) - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Staff Report - Cargo Partner VI - Buckhead Trails - PDMU-14-15(P) - 08-07-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Specific Approval Request - Cargo Partner VI - Buckhead Trails - PDMU-14-15(P) - 08-07-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton Herald - Buckhead Trails - PDMU-14-15(P) - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Sarasota Herald Tribune - Buckhead Trails - PDMU-14-15(P) - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Buckhead Trails - PDMU-14-15(P) - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - Cargo Partner VI - Buckhead Trails - PDMU-14-15(p) - 08-07-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Slideshow- Planner - Buckhead Trails - PDMU-14-15(P) - 8-7-14 BC.pdf -- Commissioners questioned staff about where the county's responsibility starts and ends pertaining to the utilities, particularly the water lines. Commissioners also wanted to insure that notification went out to the applicant informing the 203 + acre, 532 dwelling project was in a Planned Development Mixed Use/North County Gateway Overlay Zoning District. Applicant Cargor Partners (Carlos Beruff of Medallion Homes) applied for a number of "specific approvals" (smaller tree size -- fewer trees -- and a reduced set-back) -- Approved, Unanimous.
4. Z-14-01 - Randolph Snell / Snell Rezone - DTS20140145 - Quasi-Judicial - Rossina Leider * Schenk
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Z-14-01 - Snell - 20140054 - 8-7-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Staff Report - Snell - Z-14-01 - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - Snell - Z-14-01 - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton Herald - Snell - Z-14-01 - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Sarasota Herald Tribune -Snell Rezone - Z-14-01- 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Snell - Z-14-01 - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Snell - Z-14-01 - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf -- This parcel is located east of U.S. 41 N, 380 feet north of the intersection of U.S. 41 and 105th Street East Palmetto, zoned PDEZ (Planned Development Port Encouragement Zone).-- Approved, Unanimous
Attachment: Amended and Restated LDA - Final - 8-7-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: LDA-06-06.pdf
Attachment: LDA-06-06(R).pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertisement - Sarasota Herald - Eagle Pointe LDA - 8-7-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton Herald - Eagle Pointe LDA - 8-7-14 BC.pdf -- This HBT Eagle Pointe project is located on the east side of Carter Road, north of Moccasin Wallow Road and south of Buckeye Road. The applicant has a request a Amended and Restated Local Development Agreement for a new Preliminary Site Plan for 1,600 residential units consisting of 740 single-family detached units, 260 single-family attached units, and 600 multi-family units -- a total increase of 528 lots from prior approval -- Approved, Unanimous
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PDR-13-41(P) - EaglePointe - 08-07-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: BOCC Version - Staff Report - Eagle Pointe - PDR-13-41(P) - 8-7-14 BCdoc.pdf
Attachment: Height Analysis and Renderings - PDR-13-41(P) - EaglePointe 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Specific Approval - PDR-13-41(P) - EaglePointe - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Special Approval - PDR-13-41(P) - EaglePointe - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: FDEP Site Rehabilitation Completion Order - PDR-13-41(P) - Eagle Pointe - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton Herald - Eagle Pointe - PDR-13-41(P) - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Sarasota Herald Tribune - Eagle Pointe - PDR-13-41(P)- 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Eagle Pointe - PDR-13-41(P) - DTS20130400 B242 - 8-7-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Slidshow - Planner - Eagle Pointe - PDR-13-41(P) - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - PDR-13-41(P) - EaglePointe - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf -- This HBT of Eagle Pointe LLC/Eagle Pointe project is located on the east side of Carter Road, north of Moccasin Wallow Road and south of Buckeye Road. The Applicant is requesting Special Approvals and Specific Approvals for the proposed project. -- Approved, Unanimous, (full story)
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PDC-04-38(P)(R) - 08-07-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Staff Report - Creekside Commons Revised - PDC-04-38(P)(R) - 08-07-14BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton Herald - Creekside Commons - PDC-04-38(P)(R) - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Special Approval Request - Creekside Commons Revised - PDC-04-38(P)(R) - 08-07-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Creekside Commons Revised - PDC-04-38(P)(R) 08-07-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Public Comment - Creekside Commons Revised - PDC-04-38(P)(R) - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - Creekside Commons Revised - PDC-04-38(P)(R) - 08-07-14 BC.pdf -- The request is for a Preliminary Site Plan for 300,000 square feet shopping center that includes an existing 15,374 square foot retail store (CVS), and the construction of a loop road north of the shopping center connecting US 301 to Erie Road.-- Approved, Unanimous
E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)
Building and Development Services
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Arial - PDR-14-02(Z)(G) - AmberGlen - dts20140026 - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Staff Report - Amber Glen - PDR-14-02(Z)(G) - DTS 20140026 - 08-07-14 PC.pdf
Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - PDR-14-02(Z)(G) - AmberGlen - dts20140026 - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton Herald - Amber Glen - PDR-14-02(Z)(G) - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Sarasota Herald Tribune - Amber Glen - PDR-14-02(Z)(G) - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Public Comment - Amber Glen - PDR-14-02(Z)(G) - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Amber Glen - PDR-14-02(Z)(G) - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Amber Glen - PDR-14-02(Z)(G) - 8-7-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - Amber Glen - PDR-14-02(Z)(G) - DTS 20140026 - 8-7-14 BC.pdf -- The applicant is requesting approval of a Rezone and General Development Plan for 54 single family detached residences. The site is approximately 18.40-acres located at 3208 49th Street East, Palmetto. -- Approved, Unanimous
Attachment: Staff Report - Traffic Map Series Plan Amendment - PA-14-02 - Ord. 14-21 - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: TABLE 5-1 - PA-14-02 - ORD14-021 - Traffic Map Series - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Map 5B - Future_T-fares Function - PA-14-02 - ORD14-021 - Traffic Map Series - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Map 5C - Future_T-fares ROW - PA-14-02 - ORD14-021 - Traffic Map Series - 8-7-14 BCpdf.pdf
Attachment: Map 5D - Future_T-fares Number of Lanes- PA-14-02 - ORD14-021 - Traffic Map Series 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Public Comments - Traffic Map Series Plan Amendment - PA-14-02 - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Traffic Map Series - PA-14-02 - Bradenton Herald - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Sarasota - Traffic Map Series - PA-14-02 - 8-7-14 BC.pdf --The request is to update Traffic Map Series (Table 5-1) with possible reduction/increase in the number of lanes and adjustment in right-of-way requirements.
The amendment will include some road name changes and removal of a segment of 117th Street East, from 44th Avenue East to Gatewood Drive, and the deletion of two roadway segments, Kentucky Street and Broadway Avenue, east of U.S. 301, between University Pkwy and Tallevast Road. -- Approved, 5-1, DiSabatino dissent, and Whitmore absent. DiSabatino said, "Reducing the size of the road could create added expense if we had to buy additional right-of-way at a later date."
10. LDCT-14-04/Ordinance 14-24 - Land Development Code Text Amendment - Certified Lots - Legislative - Lisa Barrett * Schenk
Attachment: Staff Report - LDCT-14-04_ORD-14-24 - Certified Lot - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Attach 1 - Review Procedures - LDCT-14-04_ORD-14-24 - Certified Lots - 8-7-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Attach 3 - Distribution of Submittals - LDCT-14-04_ORD-14-24 - Certified Lots - 8-7-20BC.pdf
Attachment: Attach 4 - Approval Form - LDCT-14-04_ORD-14-24 - Certified Lots - 8-7-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertisement - Sarasota - Ord. 14-24 - Certified Lots - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton - Ord. 14-24 - Certified Lots - 8-7-14 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance No. 14-24 Certified Lots - 8-7-2014 BC.pdf
Attachment: Public Comment Letter - LDCT-14-04-Ord. 14-24 - Certified Lots - 08-07-2014 BC.pdf -- No vote
Chappi said FDOT is hosting a meeting on the Cortez bridge Aug. 28, at 4:30 p.m. at the St. Benard Church in Holmes Beach.
Bustle said he would like the commission to discuss changing the way citizen comments are structured. Most of the commission suggested to not do anything until it becomes a significant problem.
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