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BOCC Land Use Meeting Agenda Results: May 1, 2014


BRADENTON -- At Thursday's Land Use meeting Manatee County Commissioners approved a county water supply plant and fuel depot, the Upper Manatee River Road development, the Tillett Bayou Preserve development and struggled with the Pearl Avenue / US 41 Race Trac gas station proposal request.  

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Pastor Tripp Battle, Bayshore Baptist Church




Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, 6-0, Gallen absent

2. National Day of Prayer

Attachment: National Day of Prayer Proclamation - 05-01-14.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)





D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Building and Development Services

3. PDPI-06-45(G)(R) - Manatee County NWRF and Water Supply/Treatment (North County Fuel Depot) (County-Initiated) - DTS20140063 - Quasi-Judicial - Rossina Leider* Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - North County Fuel Depot - PDPI-06-45(G)(R) - 5-01-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - North County Fuel Depot - PDPI-06-45(G)(R) - 05-01-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of newspaper advertising - North County Fuel Depot - PDPI-06-45(G)(R) - 5-1-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Request for Specific Approval - North County Fuel Depot - PDPI-06-45(G)(R) - 05-01-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - North County Fuel Depot - PDPI-06-45(G)(R) - 5-01-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - North County Fuel Depot - PDPI-06-45(G)(R) - 5-1-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - North County Fuel Depot - PDPI-06-45(G)(R).pdf -- Approved, Unanimous


4. PDR-13-40(Z)(G) - John Clendenon, Leslie Bass, Heidi May / 615 Upper Manatee River Road - DTS20130458 - B253 - Quasi-Judicial - Margaret Tusing * Clague

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - 615 Upper Manatee River Road Rezone - PDR-13-40(Z)(G) - 5-01-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - 615 Upper Manatee River Road PDR-13-40(Z)(G) - 5-01-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of newspaper advertising - 615 Upper Manatee River Road - PDR-13-40(Z)(G) - 5-1-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance 615 Upper Manatee River Road PDR-13-40(Z)(G) 5-1-14 BC .pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - 615 Upper Manatee River Road Rezone - PDR-13-40(Z)(G) - 4-10-14 PC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - 615 Upper Manatee River Road - PDR-13-40(Z)(G) - 05-01-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavits-615 UPPER MANATEE RIVER ROAD PDR-13-40(Z)(G) 05-01-14 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous


5. PDR-06-72(P)(R2) - William Briggs McClatchy/Tillett Bayou Preserve Subdivision - DTS20130402 - Quasi-Judicial - Stephanie Moreland * Clague

Attachment: Maps-Future Land Use, Zoning, Aerial - Tillett Bayou - PDR0672 - 05-01-2014 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Tillett Bayou Preserve Subdivision - PDR-06-72(P)(R2) - 05-01-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of newspaper advertising - Tillett Bayou Preserve - PDR-06-72(P)(R2) - 5-1-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - Tillett Bayou Preserve - PDR-06-72(P)(R2) - 5-1-2014 BC.pdf

Attachment: Public Comment - Tillett Bayou - PDR0672 - 05-01-2014 BC.pdf

Attachment: Request for Specific Approval - Tillett Bayou - PDR0672 - 05-01-2014 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Tillett Bayou - PDR0672 - 05-01-2014 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Tillett Bayou Preserve - PDR-06-72(P)(R2) - 5-1-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Statement - Tillett Bayou - PDR0672 - 05-01-2014 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)

Building and Development Services

6. PDC-12-15(P)(R) - U.S. 41 @ Pearl Avenue - DTS20130493 - Quasi-Judicial - Shelley Hamilton * Schenk

Attachment: Maps-Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Race Trac US41 and Pearl Ave - PDC1215 - 05-01-2014 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - RaceTrac US41-Pearl Ave - PDC-12-15(P)(R) - 05-01-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Specific Approval Request Letter - Race Trac US41 and Pearl Ave - PDC1215 - 05-01-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Analysis - Race Trac US41 and Pearl Ave - PDC1215 - 05-01-14 BC -.pdf

Attachment: Copy of newspaper advertising - US 41 at Pearl Avenue - PDC-12-15(P)(R) - 5-1-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Race Trac US41 and Pearl Ave - PDC1215 - 05-01-2014 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance US 41 at Pearl Avenue PDC-12-15(P)(R) 5-1-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Exhibit B to Ordinance - Race Trac US41 and Pearl Ave - PDC1215 - 05-01-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Public Comments - Race Trac US 41 and Pearl Ave - PDC1215 - 05-01-2014 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow Planner - US 41 and Pearl Avenue - PDC-12-15(P)(R) - 5-1-14 BC.pdf -- Motion to continue to June 3, 2014.  Approved Unanimous  (More on story)


7. PA-13-09 / Ordinance 14-10 fka 13-42 - Peerage Land Company, LLC - Legislative - Kathleen Thompson, AICP* Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PA-13-09 - ORD-14-10 - Peerage Land Company - 05-01-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - PA-13-09 - ORD-14-10 - Peerage Land Company - 05-01-14 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Peerage Land Company - PA-13-09 - Ord. 14-10 - 5-1-13 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous





Commissioner Bustle asked for support on a letter to be sent to the Governor conserning the possibility of crippling cost sin fines beingt applied to its budget. 


Commissioner  Chappie  wants the School Board to make a list of all its properties. 


Commissioner Whitmore said, "We are having to sell our properties too."


Commissioner Gallen noted a letter he sent to County Administrator Ed Hunziker, on the large responce from the public about the Class 1 injection well that is now being proposed to the County.


Commissioner DiSabatino wants to extend the time by which citizens are notified of a land use change so all stake holders have time to get together to work things out.