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Boy Scout Troop Gets View of Local Government in Action


PALMETTO – Monday night's Palmetto City Commission meeting saw the board get a visit from Troop 10, the local Boy Scouts of America chapter. The scouts were there hungering for a taste of how local governments work; while working to earn another one of the merit badges needed to become an Eagle Scout.

Palmetto Mayor Shirley Groover Bryant gladly welcomed the 14 aspiring young men who decided to earn their 'Citizenship in the Community' Badge while attending her town's meeting. 

Advancement to Eagle Scout is a pivotal achievement to every Boy Scout, and many who accomplished the certification attest to it being a principal factor in how they later viewed the world as an adult.

At Monday's meeting, the attending scouts got to see how a local government prepares to adjust aggregate property taxes, if need be, and how to schedule a Comprehensive Plan Amendment. 

The scouts also witnessed how the commission recognizes the accomplishments of the community, when a public congratulations went out to the Palmetto Little League Softball 10-11 team for their undefeated season that brought them to the status of 'State Champions.'  
