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BPD Officer of the Month

https://www.thebradentontimes.com/clientuploads/Law enforcement/BPD_station.jpg

BRADENTON -- Bradenton Police Officer Adam Wollard has been named the department’s “Officer of the Month” for November 2013.

In October, the Sarasota Police Department contacted BPD regarding an alleged felony that may have occurred in Bradenton. During the SPD’s initial investigation, the victim of the crime became unresponsive and was transported to Blake Hospital. The victim did not provide police with his identity prior to the medical episode.

Once at the hospital, it was discovered that the individual had some distinctive tattoos but no personal identification. Officer Wollard suggested taking photographs of the victim to show to citizens that reside in his patrol district.

This enabled Officer Wollard to obtain the man’s identity and contact his mother who was then able to be with her son while he recovered in the Intensive Care Unit.