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Braden River Christmas Boat Parade Debuts December 8


BRADENTON – Christmas on the Braden River will once again be celebrated in style with the annual Bradenton Boat Parade on Sunday, December 8, 2013. Vessel registration will begin at Jiggs Landing Preserve at 4:00 p.m. The Parade begins at 5:30 p.m. and ends at Linger Lodge at about 6:30 p.m. where the contest prizes will be awarded at 7:30.

The restaurant and bar will also be open, plus there will be a Chinese auction. Come on out for what is sure to be the start of a hometown tradition.


Prizes will be awarded in the following categories:

  • Best In Show: $300 Cash
  • Best Illuminated: $200 WalMart Gift Cerrtificate
  • Best Florida Cracker: Linger Lodge Gift Certificates
  • Most Festive and Most Creative: Gift Certificates Pablano's

To register, or for more information, including instructions for voting by text or paper ballots at the event or online, visit the event website at www.oldbradenriver.org.



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