BRADENTON – At Wednesday night's meeting, the Bradenton City Council approved the land transfer of 48th Street Court East from county to city jurisdiction, and accepted the use of various funds to improve both Manatee County Historical and Love Park.
(Full agenda results provided by the City of Bradenton)
INVOCATION & PLEDGE by Barbara Bostian, of the Manatee County Baha’i community.
MOTION TO APPROVE moving forward with the Interactive Voice Response system following a presentation from Building Official Jeffrey Camden passed 5-0 (Smith/Gallo).
a) Bid recommendation for painting of the downtown parking garage.
b) Bid recommendation for the replacement of Lift Station No. 11.
c) Resolution 14-04: Appointing John Harllee III to the Downtown Development Authority.
d) Resolution 14-05: Appointing Grievance Board members for 2014.
e) Public Event: Unity in the Community Resource & Wellness Rally on Saturday, Jan. 25 at Just For Girls, 1011 21st. St. E. The request is for the closure of part of 11th Avenue East.
f) Public Event: Couture in the Courtyard on Monday, March 3 at the South Florida Museum. The request is for the closure of 10th Street West in front of the museum.
g) Public Event: Piratefest on Saturday, March 22. The request is for the closure of a portion of 9th Street West in front of McKechnie Field.
h) Minutes: Dec. 18, 2013, City Council meeting.
i) Minutes: Jan. 8, 2014, City Council meeting.
MOTION TO APPROVE the Consent Agenda passed 5-0 (Gallo/Brown).
MOTION TO APPROVE accepting the land transfer of 48th Street Court East from County to City jurisdiction and to execute all necessary documents passed 5-0 (Smith/Roff).
MOTION TO APPROVE a maintenance agreement on 48th Street Court East passed 5-0 (Smith/Roff).
MOTION TO APPROVE using impact fees for improvements at Manatee County Historical Park passed 5-0 (Byrd/Smith).
MOTION TO APPROVE using a combination of a state grant, city and Central CRA funds to pay for improvements at Love Park passed 5-0 (Byrd/Roff).
The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
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