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Bradenton Named Third Friendliest City in U.S.


BRADENTON -- A new Rand McNally poll says that Bradenton is one of America’s friendliest towns. The Friendly City lived up to its nickname when it was named as of the friendliest towns in the country, ac­cording to Rand McNally voters.


Bradenton took third place in the “friendliest” category for small towns during the poll, which was conducted last year.

The winners were an­nounced recently. Kewanee, Illinois was first, followed by Macon, Georia in second. Murray, Kentucky and Keokuk, Iowa rounded out the top 5 list.

Bradenton also received votes in the categories of Most Beautiful, Most Fun, Most Patriotic, Best Food and Best for Geocaching. Rand McNally started its annual Best Small Towns in America contest  in 2011. Click here for more information.


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