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BRADENTON -- A reinforcing cold front will sweep southeast through the waters on Friday. High pressure will remain in place across the region Saturday through early next week. Since the moon is in a waning crescent  phase thoughout the weekend, fishing will be average. Water temperatures remain 60 degrees or lower.

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West winds around 10 knots. Bay and inland waters a light chop. Friday night will bring winds around 5 knots from the west. One of Friday's major periods  coincide within an hour of sunrise, making 8:04 a.m.- 10:04 a.m.  a peak fishing time. Fishing during major solunar period from 8:32 p.m.-10:32 p.m., or during minor solunar periods from 2:43 a.m.-3:43 a.m. and 1:22 p.m.-2:22 p.m. will produce average results.
Tides: Low at 3:28 a.m. (-0.42), high at 7:18 p.m. (1.97).

West winds around 5 knots. Bay and inland waters smooth. Saturday night will bring winds around 5 knots from the north.  Fishing duing major solunar periods from 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. and 9:27 p.m.-11:27 p.m., or during minor solunar periods from 3:42 a.m.-4:42 a.m.  and 2:16 p.m.-3:16 p.m. will produce average results.

North winds around 5 knots in the morning becoming west in the afternoon. Bay and inland waters smooth.Sunday night will bring Northeast winds around 5 knots. Bay and inland waters smooth. Fishing during major solunar periods from 9:54 .a.m-11:54 a.m. and 10:21 p.m.-12:21 a.m., or during minor solunar periods from 4:36 a.m.-5:36 a.m. and 3:13 p.m.-4:13 p.m. will produce average results.


To create your own tidechart, follow the link to www.noaa.com


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