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Captain Favorite's Weekend Fishing Forecast April 14, 2011


BRADENTON --High pressure will remain in place through Saturday morning before a weak cold front begins to push through the area. The surface ridge will shift east over the next few days helping winds to veer to a more easterly flow on Friday and more southerly flow by Saturday ahead of the cold front. With the full moon approaching fishing will improve over the weekend and be at its height on Monday when there is a peak period when moonrise occurs within 30 minutes of sunset.

Southwest winds around 10 knots. Bay and inland waters a light chop. There will be a slight chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Saturday night will bring north winds around 10 knots. Bay and inland waters a light chop. Fishing during the major solunar period from 12:06 p.m. - 2:06 p.m., or during minor periods from 5:40 a.m. - 6:40 a.m. and 6:38 p.m. - 7:38 p.m. will produce very good results.

Northwest winds around 5 knots. Bay and inland waters smooth. Sunday night will bring northwest winds around 5 knots becoming east 10 knots overnight. Bay and inland waters a light chop. Fishing during major solunar periods from 12:34 a.m. - 2:34 a.m. and 1:02 p.m. - 3:02 p.m., or during minor solunar periods from 6:21 a.m. - 7:21 a.m. and 7:47 p.m. - 8:47 p.m. will produce the best results.

Weekend Tides

To create your own tidechart, follow the link to www.noaa.com

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for fishing information for the rest of the      week


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