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Chief's Corner: Melanie Bevan, BPD


Speed enforcement cameras will soon be installed in school zones in the City of Bradenton, mirroring the speed enforcement program throughout Manatee County.

This includes the following schools: Ballard, G.D. Rogers, H.S. Moody, Jessie P. Miller, Manatee, Robert H. Prine, and Sea Breeze elementary schools; Bradenton Christian School; and Manatee High School.

Initially, there will be a 30-day period when drivers will receive warnings for driving more than 10 miles over the posted speed limit in the school zone. After that, speeders receive a $100 fine.

The cameras will be active the entire school day, starting 30 minutes before school and ending 30 minutes after school. The cameras will not be monitored outside of school hours, on holidays when there is no school, or on weekends.

The Bradenton Police Department reviews all violations. There are no points imposed on your driver's license. However, failure to pay the fine or request a hearing within 30 days will result in a Uniform Traffic Citation (ticket).

BPD will inform citizens when camera installation begins and launch a public awareness campaign and website.


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  • raschnur2

    Could BPD explain why there is not enforcement over the last several years of laws against private commercial activity, namely several jet ski rentals, horse rides and others, on Palma Sola Causeway (City of Bradenton Property)? A large portion of the causeway is occupied by these commercial operations leaving minimal space for recreational use by private citizens. Maybe a Bradenton Times story about this issue could provide information and clarity?

    Yesterday at 9:40 AM Report this